International conference International conference


Media literacy and creative work Media literacy and creative work

with people with learning disabilities with people with learning disabilities



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The conference “Conquering Public Spaces” will be a unique event: the first international meeting of people and organisations working in the field of art and media for and by people with learning disabilities. Over twenty organisations from all over Europe will present themselves at the conference. Organisations that are living proof of the fact, that people with learning disabilaties can and do create music, radio, films, documentaries, visual art, theatre and dance performances at a professional level. The conference programme will combine talks and presentations with practical workshops. People with learning disabilities will participate in the conference as workshop leaders and lecturers.

The conference will be about best practice in creative work with people with learning disabilities: supporting creative expression (visual arts, performing arts, new media) and the making of media content and own media by people with learning disabilities. Other topics will be best practice in the field of communication and media: accessible language, media literacy, representation of people with learning disabilities. Attention will also be given to attitudes in creative work with people with learning disabilities: quality art versus therapy.
The conference will be in English and Czech with mutual translation. At the conference we will present a bilingual catalogue of organisations with best practice. The conference will be free for all participants. For registration write to: info[at]inventura.org

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