Inventura TheatreInventura Theatre

Inventura Theatre was established in January 2009. In May 2009 its members (at the time these were Jakub Macháček, Aleš Koudela, Josef Fojt and Martin Vošmik) performed part of a piece called Marťani (Martians) at the Klamovka club, as part of a project called “Jsme v Kontaktu na Klamovce” (We’re in Contact at Klamovka). In October two members – Josef Fojt and Martin Vošmik – successfully performed part of Marťani, called “Nad Povrchem” (Above the Surface), in . On 5 November 2009, Inventura Theatre took part in Normal Festival in the open space of La Fabrika. With the help of photographer Martin Mařák, the group created a series of photographic portraits, stylised as Martians, which were on display in November and December 2009 at the Krásný Ztráty bar.

The theatre group has seven actors at the moment and is currently preparing a series of short, thematically-connected skits, as well as longer theatrical pieces. The theatre’s director is Ilona Labuťová.

actors of Inventura Theatre in "Cabaret at the End of the World"

actors of Inventura Theatre in "Cabaret at the End of the World"

 More pictures here



We are looking for ways to approach theatre. The more we search, the more it becomes apparent that we still have a long journey ahead of us. We are all learning. Our future actors are learning, and Štěpán and I, the future directors of novel performances,...



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