From Preschool back to Normal Life
12.05.2010, Tereza Hausserová It’s been
some time (about 4 years), since I finished my gardener training programme at a
vocational school at the Jedlička Institute and that’s where I fell in love
with ceramics. We had a ceramics course every Monday. After I left the school I
went to study ceramic art.
The vocational school was designed for students with mental and physical
disabilities and everything else was subordinated to this fact. It was fine,
but – and I don’t want to make the teachers there angry – the vocational
programme in the workshops seemed to me like a preschool. The level of teaching
was definitely not what I would expect. After four years I feel that I’m no
smarter than I was when I left the “Jedle” institute. Yeah, it’s good that I did
ceramics for four years, but that’s it.
And so I decided at the end of my “studying” that I would go back to a normal
school, where I can at least learn something that will definitely come in handy
at some point and I will again learn what I knew before I left. Another thing
that draws me back is that I already know the people there and I also want to
bring my brain back to life, as it has become quite stunted during those four
15.05.2010 21:03
Jak tě znám oba máme stejný názor na naši školu . Takže se toho drž a doufám že ta lod na které pluješ nezroskotá na nečem banálním . Jinak huráááá dotoho .. prace zdar .. a brouchut na kolače
13.05.2010 12:21
Milá Terezko, je moc fajn, že jste si uvědomila, že vás svazují kýmsi dané limity. Jděte dál. Jděte si za svým. Nenechte se ničím odradit. Pak se otevře i další cesta. Ačkoliv se to nezdá, limity jsou především v našich hlavách. Přeju šťastnou cestu :) Maya
13.05.2010 12:21
Super! Jen tak dál. Nechat zakrňovat mozek je hřích !!! Možná by nebylo špatné tu Tvoji keramiku někde prezentovat. Stačí vzít dílko a postavit ho v Aeru,nebo v kavárně Potrvá na bar či polici a nechat ho volně působit na lidi v průběhu Vašich akcí. Držím palce ve škole a pamatuj si, že píle je cestou k úspěchu :)