By Sarah Watson Hi everyone, l hopes thing  have been well with you. Welcome to this Oska Bright blog. Today we had Julia MacNamara from disability art in London who joined in today. We made a new whole business card because our current business card is bit out dated so we as a group decided to change it. As a group we learned more about the third rule when you are designing work for print, taking photos and making films. We are sending an Oska Bright film screening to be shown at AbilityFest in India – WOW! We hope that this will mean that more learning...
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By The Oska Bright Steering Committee The highlight of every Oska Bright festival is the awards ceremony and party. At today's meeting we have been choosing which films win prizes in seven categories; Most Original Film, Best Young Film Maker, Best Special FX, Best Animation, Best Film in the Festival, Festival Favourite and two Bursary Awards. It was really difficult to choose which films won prizes but finally we have some winners, we can't tell you who won because it's a big secret! So please don't even ask... The names of the winning films are locked in a secret container buried...
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We’ve just finished the last day of judging Oska Bright films for Oska Bright 2011. We are feeling exhausted and excited! It’s going to be the best Festival ever – so far! It’s our 5th Birthday and Matthew says he is going to make us all a big cake!Today we saw a few promising films – like one about “Frankenstein”, another about a “Psycho” woman called “Lethal Attraction” – and another one about a wedding.Now we have to add up all of the scores we’ve given each film to see what’s in and what’s out of the Festival!  Then we will write to all of the film makers. We are then going to make our...
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