The Potrvá café for a second time: Opening of the Marťani exhibitionThe Potrvá café for a second time: Opening of the Marťani exhibition


On Thursday, 4 March 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the entire Inventura team and its international partners will meet at the Potrvá café, where the opening of the Marťani exhibition will take place along with a presentation of Inventura’s planned and realised activities.

The opening of the exhibition entitled “Martin Mařák: Marťani, portraits of actors of the theatre group Inventura” together with a presentation of the theatrical, film and photographic creations of Inventura’s work shops will take place on the closing evening of the partner forum of the Developmental project. The forum’s goal is to prepare a basic framework for a conference to take place in September 2011 focusing on presenting best practices for supporting media literacy and artistic activities among people with mental disabilities. The work will take place during a two-day meeting with German, Sardinian, Slovak and British project partners. The evening at Potrvá is also for all friends and supporters of Inventura’s creations, who will be brought to their feet by moderators Josef and Patrik and provided with music for their dancing and listening pleasure by DJ Tony.

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