
We’ve just finished the last day of judging Oska Bright films for Oska Bright 2011. We are feeling exhausted and excited! It’s going to be the best Festival ever – so far! It’s our 5th Birthday and Matthew says he is going to make us all a big cake!Today we saw a few promising films – like one about...
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Film "About Sex" for sale

About usAbout us

The first platform in the Czech Republic for supporting and presenting the artistic and journalistic work of people with learning disabilities.

Forrest Gump, Rainman, Nikifor, Georges ..... We all know them and we like them. These film characters might have some troubles with orientation in everyday life and their grades at school probably weren´t the best but we see them as unique personalities and we took them in affection for their authenticity and their particular life stories. We know their strengths and weaknesses and we can understand why somebody makes films about them. They are a little funny and a little touching but mainly they are an inspiration for us.


Academy Award winner Adam Elliot supports Inventura

Inventura's intention to make the film About Sex... managed to capture the attention of Adam Elliot whose Harvie Krumpet won the Oscar for best animated short film in 2003. You can read his letter of support here .
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The film About Sex...

his is really good news. The State Fund of the Czech Republic for Supporting the Czech Cinematography granted Inventura CZK 300.000 for the making of the film "About Sex..." The film is meant to be an educational tool for people with learning disabilities,...
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Inventura travels abroad to gain and share experience

Networking activities constitute an important part of Inventura’s projects so there’ s no wonder we have been travelling a lot recently. At the beginning of June two of us visited Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), the home town of the Theatre From The Passage,...
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New year, new projects and the same objective

The last months of the year 2006 were really busy in Inventura. In November we held Normální festival – a film festival which introduced films dealing with the topic of developmental disabilities to Czech audiences. We showed not only films about people...
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Inventory check in process, but we remain open.

What's up in Inventura? It has been nine months since our NGO Inventura was founded. It has successfully gone through the events of the prenatal period and it is now ready for a new life.
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