Lenka VochocováLenka Vochocová

Lenka VochocováLenka Vochocová

Lenka's journey into this world took two days, nobody knows why she didn't want to come. The doctors present claimed she would be retarded. Doctors love making diagnoses though. Her mother, a real fighter, broke this curse through painful exercises. Lenka's father, in moments of weakness, claims that the exercises weren't totally effective.

Lenka loves playing with words, colours and tones. She has picked up several academic titles from the world of journalism and media studies, and because in the world of media there is always research to be done, she is working hard to increase her collection. She loves science.

She has many handicaps, but here is not the space to go into that. Her mother, even though she is a wise woman, would say that Lenka's greatest handicap is her education, and her father would add that she shouldn't be so proud and just, because unfortunately, noone is really interested. Lenka started working with people with learning disabilities through her volunteer work for peer organisation Osa. She is a passionate cinema lover.

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